Engineers play a crucial role in Israeli society. They are responsible for planning, developing and managing products, services, systems and projects that are vital to humanity. The ingenuity of our engineers has fueled the success of Israel’s high-tech industry. For Israel to maintain its international status, grow its economy and increase exports, we need excellent engineers that develop life-changing and life-saving technologies.
What makes Afeka special is our commitment to a comprehensive engineering education process that incorporates curiosity-driven experiential learning through innovative teaching methods; close industry ties providing faculty and students applied research or project opportunities; and a wide range of extracurricular activities allowing each student pursue his or her personal passions in engineering and science and to gain experience in new fields.
As part of Afeka’s vision and with the expansion of its activities, the teaching, learning and work spaces on campus have also been updated. Today, Afeka’s campus is equipped with the best of all that is required for engineering and science studies, with learning spaces that are modern and inviting, and that reflect our unique educational approach and learning experience. Both in and out of the classrooms, Afeka’s campus is bustling with activities that provide students and faculty with opportunities to gain practical experience, develop skills and lead innovation.
Our unique educational process, the high level of academics and the reputation that Afeka has gained as an institution that drives both internal and national processes – are recognized in Israel and globally. We are proud that our students, faculty, staff and alumni are all a part of this.
We are leading Afeka with a clear vision that emphasizes the professional and personal development of our students – future engineers. Israel is currently immersed in a complex military conflict, and our students are defending their country either from the front line or the home front. As a public institute for higher education, we are responsible for their well-being and their academic success. We have put much thought and effort into formulating a comprehensive support package to provide critical financial, emotional, and academic assistance they need in order to complete the 2023-24 academic school year.
When the war finally comes to an end, we will have to attend to healing and recovery process of our nation; The rehabilitation of Israel and its people will be a challenging task that requires leadership, creativity, critical thinking, teamwork and a firm commitment to our values. Engineers are bound to be pivotal in this recovery process – not only in rebuilding infrastructures, but also in developing new products and technologies that will improve the quality of our lives, restore our economy, and protect the country from future threat.
The role of engineers is more important today than ever before. Engineers will help our nation and our people overcome this crisis and build a better future for us all.
The 2023-24 academic year will begin later than planned. Afeka’s classrooms are equipped with all the technologies needed to support hybrid learning so that students can join class either on campus or remotely. I look forward to seeing our campus once again bursting with the energy and curiosity of young students ready to learn and to grow. For our part, we promise to provide them with the assistance, support and guidance they need to complete the year successfully.
I wish everyone a productive and successful academic year.
Prof. Ami Moyal
A Message from the President
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