

Mr. Alon Barnea is Vice President for Development and Strategic Partnerships at Afeka Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering in Tel Aviv. He has been at Afeka since 2010.

Mr. Barnea is a seasoned cellular telephony, advanced computing and visualization entrepreneur and manager that has held positions  such as: CEO of GraphTech a SW development company for advanced and embedded visualization (acquired by Intel in 2011); General Manager of the mobile and service provider business unit at RADVISION (acquired by AVAYA); and VP Marketing & Business Development at Starhome. He also served as Managing Director of a SGI (SiliconGraphics) in Israel and held senior positions with SGI EMEA. 

Mr. Barnea holds an M.Sc. (Cum Laude) in Industrial Engineering from Tel-Aviv University, specializing in Computerized and Robotic Manufacturing Systems.

He is a board member of AMCHAM Israel America Chamber of Commerce and past president (2016-2017) of ROTARY Afeka-Avivtek.

Mr. Alon Barnea is a creative and energetic manager that combines marketing & customer relations skills with an engineering background and keen understanding of business development, marketing and technology.